
Money Paper Crane

Money paper crane origami, simple way to make easy money origami

Learn how to do paper crane, folding your money into paper crane

This is a new set of tutorial for making origami dollar, money folding is becoming popular to everyone now, money in some form could be given to anyone. The best way to give it to somebody is to turn it into something special. Not all money if given will be appreciated, the value of money does not guarantee it's worth to some, make it special by turning it into origami, like butterfly origami, money shirt origami, you can make bouquet of dollar origami if you are super rich. 
Paper crane money origami

Paper crane money Origami tutorial

Step 1: Fold along the dashed guide corner to 
opposite corner

Step 2: a) Fold both sides along the dashed guide
b) Fold and unfold the top layer on the dashed guide


Step 3: a) fold the top layer along the dashed guide
b) Squash- Fold the top layer along the dashed guide


Step 4: Fold the bottom layer along the dashed guide


Step 5: Reverse-fold along the dashed guide


Step 6: a) Reverse- Fold as shown to form the neck and tail
b) Reverse-Fold as shown to thin out the neck and tail


Step 7: a) Reverse-Fold the left side to form the head
andspread wings apart
b) Crane is ready to fly


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