Star Paper Lantern
Complete Guide how to make Paper Lanterns
Here is a simple but complete tutorial how to make paper lanterns. Lanterns are popular during yuletide season. Lanterns make our world bright and lively. Christmas would be void if Paper lanterns is absent. So, it is very essential that you would know how to make one. Creativity and color combinations is all your prerogative. You can actually buy paper lanterns on different stores, but if you want to save better to do it by yourselves.
Materials needed to make paper lanterns
1. Paper lantern Template. You can download the Template from my google drive
2. Paper to use. My favorite papers are Global Art Folia 6- Inch by 6-Inch Origami Paper
Paper Star Lantern Folding Guide
Here is the list of step to fold paper star lantern
Step 1: Cut out along solid lines, make creases along dashed lines. Each images are identical. You need to fold five to make star.
Step 2: Close the figure by gluing the glue tab bar
Step 3: Glue all the modules in the cone shape form. Remember stars is composed of 5 cones.
Step 4: Pick two cones and stick them together using glue.
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