Animals Origami: A Wild Boar
Wild boar origami instructions Just follow the diagram below. Probably some of you who are origami fanatics may love animals. and I don't know if one of you has an eagerness to make a wild boar origami. let us now look at the diagram below and let us follow on the picture how to fold it.
These are the steps:
1. Fold in the dotted lines to make creases and fold back
2. Fold in the dotted lines
3. Fold in the dotted lines
4. Fold in the dotted lines to make creases and fold back
5/6. Open the pocket from top and flatten
7. Fold
8. Fold
9. Fold
10. Fold in half
11. Pocket Fold
12. Draw the face spots and finished
Follow the Diagram below
Photos HERE>> Wild boar origami
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